This friendly, lost or dumped, very pregnant kitty came into our care a week ago. This photo was taken at noon, March 23rd. Anyone want to place a wager on when she’s going to deliver, and how many are in there? Fingers crossed that everything goes well!

Mama Fred gave birth to SIX kittens on Saturday, March 24, 2018 under the care of Chris Callaghan. All are doing remarkably well and Fred is a doting Mama, making sure they are all fed and cleaned up regularly. She is recuperating with her favourite food – daily treats of fresh haddock, tuna and wet meat.
Sounds like she hit the jackpot! Do you have a pic of the kittens? Are they all spoken for?
Hi Margaret, The kittens won’t be ready for adoption for another seven weeks. We have received several “expressions of interest”. We are currently working on an application process, in conjunction with the rescue group we work with in the city. Would you like us to contact you once we have it finalized?